Thursday, January 1, 2015

There Is Enough For Everyone!

“When I am working on a problem, I never think about beauty........ but 
when I have finished, if the solution is not beautiful, I know it is 
―Buckminster Fuller

There is enough for everyone! This is the conclusion Buckminster Fuller came to years before the world had seen the first famous photo of the whole planet from space. He had this concept called the World Game, in which he analyzed all of the know how and talent and resources as if Earth were a spaceship we were all crew on.  He also predicted that when the most influential fifteen percent of the people understood that, we would be willing to give up fighting and cooperate to make life a success for everyone.

So why are people still acting so fearful, insecure and foolish? This is indisputably the wealthiest the most people on earth have ever been in history. Perhaps even in the cacophony of the end of the world party taking place now, we sense that something is deeply wrong.

It kind of reminds me of the classic trust fund baby, partying day after day without considering what will happen when the money runs out. We know that we could take care of everyone at a higher standard of living than royalty of the past, but that will require we change the way we do things. That seems harder than just cruising along, even if it is toward the edge of the cliff.

The really good news is there still is enough planet for everyone, and repairing the tattered ecosystems and making Earth a garden planet is way to do it. We do know what to do, all that is still lacking is the will. And the will is being stymied by fear and insecurity due to the way our money system is set up. It functions much like a game of musical chairs, with everyone contending with one another for not -quite- enough. Or so it seems, but this illusion is due entirely to the arbitrary rules of the money game. We can easily change them, as I realized when I read Sacred Economics.

(Check it out!)

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