Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Colors of Winter

Nature has many scenes to exhibit, and constantly draws a curtain over this part or that. She is constantly repainting the landscape and all surfaces, dressing up some scene for our entertainment. Lately we had a leafy wilderness; now bare twigs begin to prevail, and soon she will surprise us with a mantle of snow. Some green she thinks so good for our eyes that, like blue, she never banishes it entirely from our eyes, but has created evergreens. ~Henry David Thoreau, Nov. 8, 1858

Sometimes I miss the bright colors of summer and spring when it's cold and foggy. So, every day in the wintertime, I go out anyway. I find all sorts of colors in the winter light. This is what I did this week:

 First I noticed a cluster of primary colors in the natural area around a creek...

...began to play with them on my ipad..

I find there is something particularly pleasing about the color combinations in nature...

And pretty soon... This!

And this! Next winter, I plan to have a show of my winter color collection, printed up on to canvas. 

Some are in my art website:http://www.omnimountainskyrainbow.com/

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