Sunday, January 18, 2015

Omni's Healthy/Healing Green Way of Eating

 “Your body is a temple, but only if you treat it as one.”  ~Astrid Alauda

Omni's simple healthy healing everyday foodist practice:

So many people feel confused about what is and how to eat a healthy diet, even when they do feel they can eat any way they like. Often one feels they must choose what they eat according to what they feel they can afford, and this is the first hurdle. We humans tend to have a lot of rules and taboos around eating. In our culture, there are also a lot of rules around money and food, like "cheap is better."

But cheap food tends to be too expensive for our common good, such as our health and our environment. So, up front, every day, I invest in the future that I want. I support my local and organic food makers and farmers by giving them all of my food money!

 I have a few ground rules. All whole foods, with as little packaging as possible. That means I start with whole grains, beans, seeds and nuts, as well as all fruits and veggies. I make a lot of food from scratch. Also, I eat as much as possible of the ones that can be eaten raw. And I avoid eating at restaurants. When traveling I seek out natural food stores. All of those rules add up to a lot of money saved anyway without even trying. I just go on doing this, day after day, year after year. It's a lifestyle, a habit. It is really, really, easy. And so yummy!

The most important rule of all is, I listen to what my body wants and needs. I don't eat unless I am hungry and there is something available that fits my criteria. If not, a short fast is in order, and if I find I live too far from real food, I move!

Now for the actual diet, "Omni's all green diet for healing and half green diet for health": 

It is very simple. Green food is medicine. The all green diet for healing means, if you are working on healing a particular condition, every meal you eat should be built around a green food. Use a wide variety. The half green diet for health means, if you want to stay healthy, every other meal is built around a green food, or half of every meal. Actually, any brightly colored food can be used. That's it! Simple living color. 

(Some recipes:)

Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”  ~Hippocrates

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