Saturday, January 3, 2015

A Real Flying Carpet

The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up. –Paul Valery

Once upon a time there was a lonely young boy who was really a prince. He lived locked up in a tower by his evil uncle. But one day he somehow gets a flying carpet, which he uses to sneak out of the tower and travel around his kingdom, learning about his people and their troubles.

When the time is right, using the knowledge he gains on the flying carpet, he eventually gets out, overthrows the evil uncle, and restores things to goodness and justice. 

Long story short, that's all I remember about this story I read long ago. I've always gravitated toward living in towers. And flying by magic carpet would be way more elegant than the primitive and crude methods we use today.  

But in a way, we all have a way to fly around the world from our lonesome little towers. We fly by inter web. And if you are interested in solving the problems of the world, you can really find out what is going on this way, as well as who else is working on it. Perhaps in our new story we can help the evil uncle have a change of heart. 

There is very good historical evidence that magic carpets are real!

 (Check this out: The Secret History of the Flying Carpet)

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