Saturday, January 31, 2015

One Minute DIY Mind Healing Rewire

…the observer creates the reality. …the universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine. Mind is the creator and governor of the realm of matter. …The universe is immaterial-mental and spiritual.”  – R.C. Henry

This is a little technique to do on yourself, to reroute panicky and other distressing thought patterns and traumas that may have gotten stuck in your head. It can really come in handy. You can also lead a friend through it. (I figured out how to do this from reading a report on research done on test subjects in a science magazine years ago, can't remember where; it was a long time ago.*) 

It works really fast. You can do it anywhere anytime. It does not require belief. It is free and easy. You just go through the physical motions. It is just a powerful, simple, pattern rewrite technique that seems to work for a lot of people.

On your left, (or non dominant hand side, if you wish) 

picture: (in a dark frame) 

the fear, the nightmare scenario, the badness, whatever is bothering you...

Make the picture with elements representing your feelings.

On your right, picture (in a light frame):

The situation resolved, you feeling happy, and so on.

Now, hold your hands out comfortably in front of you, 

shoulder distance apart, and elbow high, 

in a way that you can look from one open hand to the other,

 without moving your head. 

Only your eyes should move.

Visualize the first picture in your left hand, and the second in your right. 

Now simply look from one picture to the other, at about the rhythm you might walk. 

For about forty seconds to a minute. 

That is all!

*(Some possible history:)

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