Saturday, January 10, 2015

Hats off to the Car

"Mass transportation is doomed to failure in North America because our car is the only place we can be alone and think"- Marshall McLuhan

Back in the old days, everybody had a hat. It was a needed part of getting around in the world. Your hat protected you from the sun and the rain and snow. Each culture developed its own recognizable style of hat. Your hat said a lot about you.

Nowadays people don't wear hats so much any more because we all wear cars! Humans are  cyber exoskeleton builders. We have cars with computer brains that will soon be offering to do the driving for us. We have built cars that drive in water, flying cars, and even car camper helicopters. 

I actually love cars. I do not think we will soon want to give up wearing cars. But we need to separate the human powered and light weight solar vehicles without exhaust pipes from the heavy, gas powered vehicles we are phasing out. 

I would love to see all of the railroad right of way routes share space with light solar powered  cars and human powered bike things. The rail routes are already the best routes because they are gently sloped so as to be easier for heavy trains, and thus require the least energy to pedal on bikes or move solar lightweights. This is actually well underway! (Already converted routes you can try now!):

Someday we will wear cars that are quiet and non polluting. We will drive out into the countryside in pleasant nature filled avenues dotted with cafés and parks. And our cars will say a lot about us.

(See solar/wind powered car touring the world!)

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