Friday, January 16, 2015

Catching Biophilia Down at the Pond

“And forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair” 

― Khalil Gibran, The Prophet

After the pond had gone dry for the umpteenth time again, last summer, I was finally ready to try the liner idea. All of the natural clay treatments hadn't fixed the slow seeping away of the water, so my friend brought out his salvaged used red lion inn billboard liner, and we rolled it out and lined it with rocks. It fills to about knee high in the middle at the deepest part, and slows down the run off from the large forested area above it when it rains.

It is a sky mirror! It is also a beautiful living breathing screen, displaying all sorts of complex interacting vibrations going on all around it. A new mini ecosystem is coming alive.  The first visitors to the mud and plastic, rock lined disruption were the bugs. Majestic dragonflies hovered around in jewel tones of red, sky metal blue, and secret helicopter black.

Next, after a few days, some wild bees colonized one end of the pond, while yellow jackets hunkered down with a nest a few yards off the other end, where they were joined by various other waspy types. The chickadees were all over the news and set up camp in the willow tree above the pond. The stellar jays couldn't resist the temptation for very long. Within a month or two, birds were taking baths. 

The deer were quite suspicious at first, but as the new grass grew, they tiptoed through. Now they spend time here every day. One day I was astonished to find a huge pair of ravens at waters edge, my first confirmed sighting in my life. Another day, I saw what I thought at first was the reflection of a deer in the pond, no, it was a great blue heron!

I do not think the pond will ever support fish as it is so shallow, but the water bugs of all kinds skate and dive here now. They keep the screen of my 'pond app' full of inter penetrating expanding circle patterns every time the surface goes still like a polished mirror. 

You can get an app like mine. Just go out and commune with you local area of nature. Do it today! Sponsored by your local dreaming planet...(biophilia):

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