Sunday, January 4, 2015

My Sister and the Rock

All hatred is self-hatred. 

And everything is feedback.

Nothing is as it is, it is as you are.

-Brianna Wiest?

This is a true story that happened to a friend of mine. When she moved to a university town in her early twenties, she got got around on a bicycle. She was shapely, beautiful and blonde, and she immediately began to receive unwanted catcalls and whistles from men as she rode her bike around town.

This really angered her, but she refused to stop riding or dress differently as she did feel she had a right to be out in public. Finally, the harassment reached a point where she had just had it. She decided she needed to do something.

But what? The attacks were always hit and run. There was no time to yell something back at these creeps. They would holler at her as they wooshed by in their cars.

So she decided to carry a rock in her hand, ready to throw. It is not easy to carry a rock in your hand while riding a bike, but she did it anyway, keeping it at the ready. The next time, she would let them know how she felt! She'd let 'em have a piece of her mind, and more! She decided she would not put up with this ever again.

And then what happened? What happened was nothing, apparently. She carried the rock for quite a while after that, but she never had to use it. Something inside her had shifted? She patched holes in her psychic armor? I leave the meaning and interpretation of this story to you...

(What if women made catcalls?)

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