Wednesday, January 21, 2015


"...the roaring of tides is converted to peace

The lake is like glass, the waves are all gone

and the quiet is soft like velvet, like love,

Like the blue egg of day before dawn...

-This Too Shall Pass"

     I love blue. The odds are high that you do too, as it is the most popular color in the world. Blue is true. If you add light or dark to blue, it is still blue. But if you add light to red, it becomes pink, the warm colors turn brown if you add dark. Only blue stays true.

Oh the joy of a patch of blue, bursting with light, when the clouds finally part!

Blue is perceived as receding away from us, compared to red, which seems to advance toward us. It is a color of peace and calm, but red light would be a better choice for late at night if you want to get to sleep soon, because blue light is stimulating! 

And blue flame and blue stars are hotter than the ones we call hot colors, the reds and yellows. Get the abundant blue light of the daytime early to set your body clock to the natural light cycle.

In early historical writings, blue has been written about as if it were some form of black. Perhaps this is because blue is the color of the sky, which goes on infinitely and seamlessly into the the indigo star fields of night. Surely blue is a color of mystery, expansion, and wonder.

And really, could you imagine if everyone went around all the time in red jeans?

(All about Blue:)

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