Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Blue Money for a Green Planet

“Conventional opinion is the ruin of our souls.” ~ Rumi

Today I'm laundering money, painting it blue. The paint is an experiment. I'm trying watercolors and watered down acrylic paints to see if I can get the same effect as RIT dye, because that stuff is smelly and gross.

Blue money is a concept and a movement. It is an attempt to raise consciousness about the corrosive effect of our money system upon everything from our psychology to our environment. For a comprehensive explanation of the problem, down to its roots, and some ways to fix it, read Sacred Economics. (Read it here now:) I cannot recommend it highly enough.

This is from the Blue Bills website: 

"All green bills are issued by the government ("by the people") and are immediately seized by banks that then loan that money back to us with interest (inexplicably they suddenly "own" it, forcing the borrower to pay for its use and collude in further exploitation down the line).

 So all green money immediately becomes DEBT.


BlueBills, however represent GIFTS. BlueBills break this cycle of abuse because although the original money is earned, each BlueBill is ritually cleansed (dyed and marked and often given away to its first recipient rather than spent) as a way of launching a new energy with a debt of gratitude rather than usury (charging interest for the use of money).

Money is like blood; it is meant to keep moving. One of the beautiful things about BlueBills is that they point out the difference between the green money attitude of scarcity (hoarding, greed, grumpiness, selfishness) and BlueBills' one of abundance (sharing, cheer, love and generosity! ...So the sooner you use it the greater its worth... Pass it on!

In the face of such enormous global forces I didn’t think there was anything one person could do. But then one little old lady in my Helena neighborhood showed me how, with a very simple process: by dying her money blue. And that all by itself is one act that could transform our whole economy to protect people and nature from exploitation."

(Here is the website for the Blue Bills movement)

Like any gift, blue money is theft resistant. How can it be stolen if the intention is to give it away! Scarcity and greed are not basic human characteristics; they are the result of our cultural constructs and assumptions, which we can change. 

All that is required is a change of mind! This occurs naturally with new understanding. After that we smart monkeys are amazing ingenious adapters of the highest order.

It isn't what you have, or who you are, or where you are, or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It is what you think about. - Dale Carnegie  


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