Thursday, January 15, 2015

Baby Steps

"Two less likely members of a relationship can hardly be imagined -- the technological apes and the dreaming planet. And yet, because the life of  each depends on the other, [we have] a feeling towards this immense, strange, wise, old, neutral, weird thing, and it is trying to figure out why its dreams are so tormented and why everything is out of balance."

- Terence McKenna

Congratulations! You are the proud owner of one spinning, smoking planet, going critical. We won! We have completely subdued nature. We took over the world. Now what?

We broke it. We get to fix it.

And we can. By chipping away, one little bit at a time. Today I heard we are putting a million pounds (or is it tons?) of carbon into the air every SECOND. How can we even start to go the other way without first stopping?

Actually, we don't need to totally stop polluting before we can start going the other way. We can stop it the following way. The only way to get to stop IS to go the other way, now, in baby steps. In this way we inexorably approach a critical mass...


When a flock of birds standing around makes a decision, they don't need to think about how to do it. One at a time, each bird begins to face in the direction they would like to go. After a certain majority of the flock is reached facing the same way, the flock lifts into the air as one.

 We each know what baby step we can take today. Many baby steps taken by many people in the right direction is called a trend. If we then realize we want this thing, we form habits, lifestyles, then this becomes a cultural shift. When this transformation is complete, it will be known to have been a turning of the ages!

Aren't we lucky to get to be here for that! And all it takes is baby steps, because all we have is baby steps...

Photo art above by Omni with help from Brenda Ewing!

(More on the More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know is Possible)

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