Sunday, January 25, 2015

What a Rush!

“Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.” ~ Carl Jung

"Let us fall in love again and scatter gold dust all over the world.

Let us become a new spring and feel the breeze drift in the heavens' scent.

Let us dress the earth in green, and like the sap of a young tree let the grace from within sustain us.

Let us carve gems out of our stony hearts and let them light our path to Love.

The glance of Love is crystal clear and we are blessed by it's light."

- Rumi "Hidden Music"


In a way, I reach out in love to you when I write. I intend it as taking time for you. Seems like time used to be slower, how can that be? Time is a mystery to me. 

Why am I so impatient? Is this related to my orientation to time? I am so concerned with efficiency! What am I rushing around all over the place to save time up for, anyway? Hurry and get to the next thing, now is no good, later, it will be better. What is this great thing I plan to do 'later' that's so wonderful I am willing to give up being patient with whatever I'm doing now? I do not understand time.

"You Americans are so impatient" said Amachi to me. I think I hurt her feelings. I began to cry.


Maybe when we don't take the time to really pay attention with each other, we are saying, 'you do not matter to me'. Underneath that, we are saying 'my needs are more important than yours' and under that is 'if I don't take what I want by force, my needs won't be met and I won't have enough'. 

Under that feeling another is lurking. It says 'I really don't deserve'. Because if I did, I would feel patient and magnanimous.

So, when I feel bad because of how I was treated by someone who feels they don't have time for me, I know they are the ones suffering more. I try to be understanding. Anyone could fall into that trap because that is how our culture has pressured us all.

But now that I am aware of my impulse to rush around for no good reason, leaving tire tracks all over everyone, I have a choice.

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