Friday, March 13, 2015

What You Think Is What You Get

The secret is out. Your most awesome superpower is your attention..

 "Where your attention is, there you are."-Pearl of Mt. Shasta 

This world is real. But our swirling perceptions skew our understanding. The world we see is very much an illusion. Not the erstwhile objects we see out there, just all that framing we do.

 No matter what we do, we are creating these frames, weighing this or that, from whatever perception we have created. A constant stream of thoughts and feelings we entertain flow from us, blowing off like hay from a hay truck speeding down the highway. 

We do have a choice. What we choose to fix our attention on, tends to grow and manifest in the world. So now, in this little moment, let us see ourselves in our most wonderful vision of our shared world. Let's visualize now, not our problems, but skip forward into a new golden age and pretend for a moment we are already in it. Ok?

Ready now, see yourself first within your own preferred home, its beautiful harmonious surroundings and neighbors.. Now you expand your view to see the larger area, the way the world is set up to be a happy place for all in which everyone's needs are important...expand your view to include the whole world.

Now, leave something there in your home in this beautiful world of the future...put up a little flag to show that you were here...take a picture with your imaginary camera....A string from here to there, some token that you will remember, that will call you forward to this place.. 

Now this world will call us forth like the sunshine of the new dawn awakens the birds. May we create our best and most pleasurable, loving and beautiful, also happy and fair, and free, nurturing, and open world. (from The Flower Child's Garden Planet)

"Your work is to discover your world, and then with all your heart, give yourself to it."-Buddha

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