Saturday, March 28, 2015

The Fifth World

The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up. –Paul Valery

Indigenous stories and prophesies from around the world tell us we are now as a human race, transitioning into the 'fifth world'. What is this fifth world?

The first world was perhaps when the Earth itself was born, a newborn, alive, whirling sphere of warmth, one and whole, settling into a comfortable orbital relationship with its parent, the Sun... And ever since, Earth is even today continuing to birth new kinds of beautiful minerals and crystals in their still evolving lines.

The second world, then, is the advent of life in plant and one celled form on up to bugs and things, just barely differentiated, most still slowly reproducing by parthenogenisis. This filled up the world with teeming life, growing a beautiful garment of green for Earth. This stage lasted gazillions of years.

The third world brings the emergence of critters evolving quickly by sexual reproduction, beings with personalities, life forms on the move, finding and developing niches into ecosystems, spreading over the world in waves lasting hundreds of millions of years.

The fourth world is the humans from Earth. The domineering smart creatures that have managed a hostile takeover of Earth so far, and seem to be careening to disaster themselves. They invent politics and war. Also cultures, religion, ethics, some other stuff. Things are moving pretty fast now. Seem to think they are the brains of the Earth.

An Information Age opens, an embryonic world culture begins to form, a shared global brain even.  But they sense they have the potential, even the opportunity, indeed, the urgent need for something...a quantum leap...

The fifth world. This is when we ALL rise to the occasion. How? Good question. Perhaps it's a fill in the blank test?

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