Friday, March 27, 2015

A Park Won't Do

The natural world, including extending to the furthest reach of the universe, is our habitat, playground, and true spiritual inspiration source. The sacred scripture of creation is written in clouds and bugs, stars and feathers.

There is a famous mayor who made his city great by making the common spaces attractive. Our culture has gone in the direction of having our private homes and gardens be places that we lavish our attention upon and make beautiful. But it is the common spaces that unite the people and bring us together. 

Every day my partner and I go for a walk or a hike in the morning or at lunchtime. These photos are from our walks. We have many beautiful parks and trails around here. Today during our walk in the park, there are volunteers pulling invasive weeds, slowly walking old people, babies in strollers, Olympic class runners flying by, and everyone else in between. 

There are people on all sorts of bikes, skateboard riders, dog walkers, and even some scientists out carefully counting little yellow mallow flowers, an endangered plant species thriving in the middle of the park.(below:)

The world does not have room any more for private nests surrounded by heaps of refuse. We need to extend our concept of parks to the entire planet. It is time to reclaim the commonspace. (from the Flower Child's Garden Planet)

"A park won't do. We want the whole world to play in." -Sunheart

(Below, an edible green growing in the park, Miners Lettuce:)

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