Sunday, March 29, 2015

A Moving Story

"In three words I can sum up everything I have learned about life: It goes on."-Robert Frost

Moving is stressful they say. All change is challenging, even when it leads to something better I guess. 

It's time for the Granny to move in with us, so I emptied out my art studio to make room. I have had my dream art studio for over fifteen years. It's been a good run. So many beautiful creations have come pouring out of it. But now, despite feeling pretty emotional as I clean, empty and sort through things, I am ready. 

My art studio has shrunk to the size of my ipad anyway. Everything I need for visual art is in here. I have sorely neglected the studio since I first fell into the ipad three years ago. The studio had mostly become a storage and project space anyway.

Now, but for the huge loom that needs to be dismantled to get out of the door, the studio sits empty. Without a roomful of fiber, the wide expanse of window and wall and floor creates such a resonant space, that I bring my band in to record and play with the acoustics before the room takes it's next incarnation, this time as a bedroom.

We set up just one recording mic and stand at different distances from it, according to how loud we are singing or playing. It is an exercise of really listening to one another and feeling the space of the room in real time. The recording comes out good. Good band. 

The paints, supplies and fiber are now finding little places all over the house to nestle into, and I am allowing my consciousness of studio to be centered within myself, and but also extend to the whole house, and even out into the whole world.

"Every day is a new day. You'll never be able to find happiness if you don't move on."-Carrie Underwood.

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