Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Free Vitamins Available Today!

Oh beautiful sun! Rain we need, no doubt, we're in a great big drought, but oh glory, oh joy, the sun is out! 

We have been having the usual sunless days typical of Pacific Northwest winters, but in these drought conditions, the clouds do not bear much water.

At my latitude, we don't get vitamin D worthy sunshine until about mid March, and today I feel the burn...for the first time since about mid October. Now I can feel the blessed radiance sinking in as sunlight touches lightly on my alabaster body parts, so deprived these past few months. 

Vitamin D is so important to our well being. It is no wonder people have been worshipping the sun for ages. Such power! After ten minutes, I have had enough! And probably I have just received ten thousand units of vitamin D, the equivalent of two high dose 5,000 vitamin D pills. I've been taking those all winter.

But real natural light can't be put in a pill. Our eyes also need natural light to set our body clocks and so much more. So if you wear sunglasses be sure to take them off once in a while to get unfiltered natural light. Sun gazing is even safe- if you only do it when the sun is actually on the horizon, rising or setting. This is a glorious enlightening practice.

"Oh, sun! That o'er the western mountains now goest down in glory! Ever beautiful and blessed is thy radiance, whether thou colourest the eastern heaven and night-mist cool, till the bright day-star vanish, or on high climbest and streamest thy white splendours from mid-sky."-William Cullen Bryant

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