Tuesday, March 17, 2015

A Hundred Cards

Today is the one Hundredth Omniblog! 

I have often pondered how to best contribute to the highest good. I have a natural urge to be of service.  Yet I am mindful that while it is a good intention, I wish to be helpful in ways that really matter. In the limited time of a day, what can I do, with what I have, to be of greatest service? 

So I figure one thing I can do from here is to share my thoughts, art, music, and experience in a way that may be helpful to you. But I still hesitate, waiting for...I don't know. The more I know, the more gaping my awareness of my ignorance grows! What finally calls me to share anyway, what puts me over the top, is the writing of Charles Eisenstein. 

I deeply resonate with his clarion call that this old paradigm game is not what I am here to play. I have long wondered how, in this abundant universe, the humans from earth got so twisted up and full of scarcity culture, fighting, and fear.. Eisenstein helped me to grasp the concept of money and gave me some inkling of how our money system functions and misfunctions. And crucially, how this has impacted and shaped our psychology, culture, and assumptions. Now I had the last piece of my puzzle.

Things have finally come into focus for me, and now I have a clear vision of the next step for humanity, and my little puzzle piece of the moment. Not all the answers, not a blueprint, not speaking for anyone else, even. Just knowing that the next step for me is this blog. And really, the next step is all we can know with much precision.

I understand how we can change. We all already know most of it; prototypes of better ways of adapting to the flow of nature and the universe are popping up everywhere. 

As is often the case, all that needs to change is-(drum roll....)-our mind! Our heart. From a mere shift in our understanding, in perception, everything else will automatically shift.

The idea is to inspire you too! Every day I offer to you a one minute read, plus pictures, a quote, some place to go, and something to try. 

You can read the cards! As of this writing, with a hundred 'cards' to choose from, you can also use them like a tarot deck and randomly read one. It is my gift of love to you. And since it is a spiritual gift, if you give it away, you still have it! So pass it on!



"And who are you? Your own, true you. This is your gift to the world." -Sunheart

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