Thursday, March 12, 2015

Choose Peace

“Live quietly in the moment and see the beauty of all before you. The future will take care of itself......” 

Paramahansa Yogananda, Autobiography of a Yogi

 Do you ever feel like you are running around in constant rush, only to get to your next hurry up thing? How can you tell what to do when you feel confused? 

Here's a good one: How does you body feel? Imagine this scenario, then that scenario. How does your body feel in each? Interesting to think of one's body as a big receiver with a display screen, but wow, it does have this function.

But when the body gets overwhelmed, systems may flash pain as a red warning light to help us realize there may be an error. 'Sin' is just a word derived from the word 'error'; and as the Buddha advised, 'Avoid error'. 

For me, I notice that I am 'off' ' when I try to tune in to how I am feeling, and instead, I get a swirling feeling, not unlike the feeling of stepping out of a car after a long drive. I'm still moving!

As a potter, when I try to shape a pot on the wheel, first the lump of clay must be perfectly centered. If I try to shape and raise anything up on the wheel without first getting and keeping it centered, the pot will quickly fall apart into a contorted mess.

Sometimes you would rather go out and do something, accomplish, build, change, create! But taking time up front to center, to really come to a full stop, and then some, really increases the power and coherence we can bring to each outer action in the world.

What brings you to this centering feeling of peace? Meditation? A walk in nature?Your favorite music? Peace be with you!

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