Friday, March 20, 2015

Carrot Pumpkinseed Salad

“It seems the whole works of humankind are backwards. Most are trying to convince, instruct, and purify everyone else - without first purifying themselves. To enlighten others we have to enlighten ourselves.” 

― David Wolfe

Fresh, fast, and simple super-satisfying easy omega salad! You can make this in five minutes!

All you need is a coffee grinder and a hand held grater:

Fill coffee grinder about halfway with pumpkin seeds, salt and pepper. (Lemon pepper?)

(I used a little serving sized bag of toasted organic pumpkin seeds with salt already added, but you can also use them raw if you can find them.)

Grind to a fluff, (not to a butter.)

Grate a sweet, juicy, freshly washed, still wet, carrot into your bowl.

Sprinkle pumpkin seed powder liberally over grated carrots and stir it all over, completely coating the carrot. That's It!

 Serve, and enjoy!

(More rawsome food inspirations:)

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