Monday, December 8, 2014

To Know One Another

"The universe is nothing but your love making." - Deepak Chopra

You do know me, actually. Look deeply into my eyes. I am you, looking out at you from my eyes.  Since I know this, and you do too, perhaps I am done writing, right? Why even continue to write, as we both, ultimately, know everything?

The meta game here is to forget that we are one, that we already know everything, and to pretend we are separate so that we can!

Most things we deal with in our day are made of stuff. They are objective, measurable bits of matter or energy, to which physical laws pertain, like "matter cannot be created or destroyed, but only converted into different forms." Sorting out the practicalities of who and where is safe, what is food and what's not, and so forth, gives us good reason to think of the differences between things.

But maybe sorting and measuring are less helpful when we make this thing we call love. What if love is a wholly different kind of energy, which the physical and measurable laws cannot fathom?

What if love can only be created by divine beings under the temporary illusion of being separate from one another? What if the only way to put all the pieces back together is to generate enough love to hold the universe together?

Perhaps our angel selves are harvesting our love. Perhaps our love, generated out of adversity and the pain of separation, forms the substance of a finer level of existence. Maybe it is like maple syrup, oozing out of the tree at the site of the cut, to salve our injuries of separation and loneliness. Maybe the deep future runs on this love, long after the visible tangible universe has run down and turned dark.

What if love has been the purpose and power of creation all along?

1 comment:

  1. I am quite certain you are right. The universe would certainly fall apart if it were not for love holding it together.
