Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Tell Me a Story

So what's your story? That would be how you think of yourself, the meaning you have found or created from the experiences you have had. Your story lives in your left brain; the other hemisphere is more devoted to just being in the now. 

We are heavily wired for linear narrative. Before there was writing, people stored all of their shared memories in stories. Some of the most important things I know, I learned from children's stories. 

If you want to memorize something, just make a story out of it. Imagine that you are going about in an environment where you deposit bits of your memories along the way. It is amazing but even in this imagined story, you can go back later and pick up your memories where you left them. So stories run deep. They imprint our minds and shape our thinking.

That is why our shared stories are so powerful. Right now we are dealing with a turning of the ages. All of the lines of change are going exponential, our world is burning, and it seems people can't agree what to do about it. Our old stories are failing us. And, if we don't change the way we're going, we will end up where we are headed. Off the cliff!

We are ripe for a paradigm shift, a new story.  It is a confusing time, as are all times of GREAT TURNING. It is not clear what is unfolding, endings are messy and beginnings are still shrouded in the mist of dawn. The forecast is change, abnormal is the new normal. But we are not in the dark without a compass. We have one another, and the ancients left us their wisdom teachings, often in the form of story, often encoded in the language of spirituality.

We get to write the new story ourselves. What will your part in the new story be?

(More about the new story of the people:)

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