Tuesday, December 9, 2014

The Earth Is Alive and Magic Is Afoot!

(From The Flower Child's Garden Planet):

It feels so good to get grounded. It is but one aspect of why we feel good when we commune with nature. We are beings attuned to our living planet. A good way to get grounded is to kick off your shoes and go out and stand upon the earth. Literally. Your electromagnetic field will entrain and connect with your local planetary field. 

This is a lovely soothing feeling. Your body will immediately begin to reduce the stress chemicals it makes and releases in your bloodstream (like cortisol) and pumps out happy hormones instead. People with chronic pain are often relieved, but just anyone will feel better. It's best to stand barefoot in wet grass, or even a stream, if you have one handy. But even going downstairs and sitting at ground level helps.

Now that we humans have figured out how to make warm dry nests for ourselves, we look around and notice that we are in a box. A comfortable but boring box. And boxes stacked high are ungrounded.There are even health risks to living ungrounded atop these box stacks. But not to worry, modern electrical outlets with their grounding wire can easily be used to reconnect with Earth. Simply ground yourself with special bed sheets, mats, and other conducting materials and connect a clip to them with a wire to your outlet.  I bought material online for a conducting pillowcase and sewed one for my bed so now I'm grounded for eight hours a day when I sleep. The little plug can be made yourself, or bought online. Mine was six dollars.

I have friends who built their house with earthen floors and embedded wires in the floors so as to be good and sure they were grounded. You can poke holes in your shoe sides and run a bit of copper wire down to the ground and back into the shoe where your foot is in contact with it, and then you can walk around really grounded.

When you are grounded, electromagnetic pollution will just roll around you instead of vibrating through you! And with four quadrillion times the amount of such pollution jangling around now than we have as a species ever encountered before, we are an experiment in progress! A little prudent avoidance is in order.

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