Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Coining Unitics

“There are no extra pieces in the universe. Everyone is here because he or she has a place to fill, and every piece must fit itself into the big jigsaw puzzle.” ~ Deepak Chopra

There IS such a thing as a post politics. It's coming. I call it "unitics." If poly-tics stands for more than one party striving for power, unitics honors the awareness that we are not fundamentally separate in the first place.

To understand unitics, think of the most simple group of people possible, two, in a situation requiring a decision. From a political point of view, a compromise  of the separate interests of each is called for. 

But if they are coming from a unitics point of view, they each spontaneously desire to help one another. They also intend if possible to benefit the highest good of all life everywhere forever! And why not consider the all, have it all, at least have it as a guiding intention in our each and every decision?

Together we can be wiser than any of us can be alone. We need to know how to tap that wisdom. Can you imagine a time when a critical mass of people have reached unitics consciousness in their daily life to the extent that politics begins to shrivel up? How can you help the meme-waves of unitics thinking and actions overwhelm the shrinking realm of politics? (from Unitics)

(Some wonky guy has also coined this word, but with a slightly less drastic definition than mine:)

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