Monday, December 22, 2014


"If you are depressed you are living in the past.

If you are anxious you are living in the future.

If you are at peace you are living on the present."-Lao Tzu

This is solstice time, the longest night, the solar light now begins to return. Also it is the new moon, so now too the moon light grows brighter. It is a good time to be very still and quiet. Listen to the dark quiet, nestled in the cradle of the new sun cycle. What would you like to plant and nurture in the new year? 

The sacred dancing tree meditation for this moment in the year is stillness, in the dark. You may stand simply like a tree whose leaves have all fallen. Your tree roots are tucked in for the winter beneath the mulch blanket of leaves. 

Or you can sit with your body curled into some semblance of a ball, like a seed. Seed consciousness is situated here, protected by an outer shell designed to be destroyed when the seed begins to sprout in dark damp earth.

In this peace of possibility, wait for a vision.

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