Thursday, December 25, 2014

Be Loving In

"You come to love not by finding the perfect person, but by seeing an imperfect person perfectly."


What do you believe in?

I've always had trouble with the word 'belief'. I mean what use is a belief if it's not true? Then you're all invested in a fantasy, how embarrassing! And since beliefs often conflict, they can't all be true, right? Then I found out that the original word more resembled the word 'belove'. It means compassion. 

So a belief in, is really what/who you love! So when you believe in someone, for instance, you put your love in them. This is all different to me, as I know that when I love you, that is real and true.


 So what then, is faith? An investment in your belief. That would be beloving in someone. You love them and believe in them even when, in your opinion, according to your likes and dislikes, they are wrong. Investing your love with faith means you are committed to loving them anyway.

That would also apply to the future world we would like to create. If we want to co create a more beautiful world, we can invest our love in the form of our attention in the now. Thus we express faith in our vision, helping to bring about the very conditions in which the vision can become manifest. For example, we invest in the organic produce we would like to have in the future by paying our local organic farmer extra today so next year there will be even more of that planted.

Compassionate faith then is to orient oneself by dedicating our intention toward to love in each situation. This is actually a recipe for personal joy as well as planetary transformation. It is a natural response to 'interbeing'.

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