Friday, December 12, 2014

Reflections Upon a Pond

“See yourself in the mirror of your mind to find yourself.” 

― Debasish Mridha

A pond, a lake, a river, the sea. A bowl of water on the windowsill,a chalice in the moonlight. Mirrors, each and all. Sky mirrors.

How often do we remember to look at the sky? Half of the picture is up there! 

How tiny is this world and all of our concerns compared to the enormity of looking at the sky part of the picture. The Mayans have a spiritual concept of doing half of the things you do each day be dedicated to the Holy. Half of your attention, time, work, money, etc, dedicated to absolutely no worldly benefit.

Sky mirrors remind us to balance the practical material view with the infinite, the enduring, the peaceful, purely and for their own sake.

I love going to the pond. I can run there barefoot if it's warmer than 40 degrees Fahrenheit out. If the sun has had a chance to warm the shallow water and the rocks I placed next to the pond in the sand, it is a nice place to sit with feet in the water as well. 

When the air is still, the pond is a billboard sized mirror of the sky. When the wind blows, ripples on the pond paint images of the invisible swirling dance going on in the air. Rain prints an animated pattern of interacting circles on the surface of this natural tell a vision screen. 

Photo by Gaius Cornelius

I discovered an artist, Anish Kapoor, who puts up giant mirrors he calls sky mirrors. But I think the world is already full of them. Just look around...

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