Friday, December 19, 2014

This Now

"This moment is a gift. That's why we call it the present"-?

I was feeling out of sorts, out of balance. My world was spinning. I needed to find center. So I did a little prayer asking for help.

Immediately the voice of Higher Consciousness spoke to me. "Take a centering breath". So I did, assuming that would be the solution to my plea for help. It was. I felt centered and balanced. The voice continued, "See, it is easier to stay centered than to hold yourself out of balance". It was true!

I then took down this song, writing as fast as I could:

​This Now​                      

This now is the only now

This now is the only one there is

In this now, you can return to balance and peace

This now, you can be free

Long ago, you may have been lost

Long ago, you may have gotten hurt

Long ago, you may have been confused

But from now on, you can be safe here, in this now

You have been released!

Today is the first day of the rest of your life

So take this little moment

To take a deep breath

Reorient in the present

In which we stand

Under the smiling stars

Of a loving universe

Forever free and home in the now


 Now is the first moment

in your infinite adventure

through the rest of all time

You can always get back to here from this now

This now is the only now

This now is the only now there is

I did not have to change a word!  I later discovered that the 'one breath centering meditation' is a real buddhist technique especially good for us impatient westerners! And I have found it to be quite true that it's easier to stay centered when I am balanced than to try to do anything in a state of imbalance.

Our brain thinks of the present moment as lasting about six seconds, three before now, and three after now. That's about how long a centering breath takes. Try it now!

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