Sunday, December 28, 2014

D.I.Y. Body Maintainence Tune Up

"The subconscious mind is one million times more powerful than our conscious mind as an informational processing machine, processing and digesting forty million bits of data per second which is warp speed compared to the poor conscious mind's forty bits of data per second." Bruce Lipton.

We must take time to tune up a machine, to tidy up the house, so why not body and mind? Meditation is of course good for that in the realm of mind, but what I want share with you is a self guided meditation for the body.

A good time to do this is when you are already sitting down to relax. Pick any place in your body to begin with, and plan to cover the whole body, top to bottom or whatever. Now, put your attention on that body part, seeing it with eyes closed, perhaps from the inside. Take a look around with your imagination's eye. How does it feel there to you?

If anything is sore, inflamed, or just not quite right, fix it, right then and there. Use the tools in your infinite imagination tool belt. Use any imaginary tool you are familiar with in real life. Don't think about it, just grab that hammer, or paintbrush, or bit of computer code. Change the color, replace the furniture, switch out the motor. 

Sprinkle with fairy dust, spray it down with a hose, turn up a dial, dig it up, bless it, throw it in the trash, whatever comes to mind.  Or maybe you use a made up tool you once read about in a sci fi book. It's ok for things to be as silly or absurd as a dream. Instant psychic brain transplant? Sure! Just make stuff up!

When you are satisfied with your work, move on to the next "room" in your body, until you have finished your tune up. You're good to go now! Your subconscious mind will now maintain your renovations and changes.

I know people who have successfully employed this technique to heal themselves of really serious conditions. I think the best use of this meditation is for regular self tune ups because prevention is the best cure.(more guided healing meditations:)

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