Monday, February 2, 2015

We Are the Mainstream Culture of the Future!

"It's truly time for humanity to move beyond a world of separate little egos fighting for their slice of the pie to a world based on our deep interconnection, and infused with grace, magic, and beauty." The Shift

Time was, we thought that we who wanted to change the world would have to drop out of mainstream society, and go back to the land to start over from scratch. In the last few decades many versions of this experiment were tried.

Initially, many of these experiments were inspired by psychedelic revelations. But that was just the doorway. These paradigm shifting experiments ranged from visionary art and music, natural foods, organic farming, natural medicine, eco-building, sustainable energy, alternative schooling and relationships, comfortable clothing and hair styles, eastern philosophy and yoga, spirituality instead of religious dogma, cooperatives, and most recently the burgeoning sharing culture online.

All of these things helped us deepen our relationship to our authentic being, with ourselves, each other, and our larger world. The appearance of the image of the whole Earth from space is the best symbol of this process. We became aware of us all as sharing one spaceship earth together. We truly began to develop a sense of planetary citizenship. 

(The above drawing by Cat Carney)

The changes are inevitable and the hardest part is already accomplished. All over the world little lighthouses of people doing enlightened things are linking up. Everyone is in place, and at the ready. We are becoming aware of one another. I see it as a lattice of connected lines, the skeleton or armature of the new sustainable world. Against all odds, it is growing, building, filling out. 

It is no longer a time of dropping out, and going off somewhere to do things better. First, there is no more off somewhere left. But more to the point, we are not rebels anymore, we are the ones responsible now. Everything we dropped out and went off to develop is ready, and already demonstrating benefits. On subtle planes the battle is over.  It is a done deal. All that is left is mop up. We need only to color in the lines.

We are the mainstream culture of the future. The future is now. And the whole world is our little community.

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