Friday, February 20, 2015


     (from the Be Like a Tree Book, spring portion of the tree dancing meditation:)

"Your mind is a Garden, your thoughts are the seeds, the harvest can be either Flowers or Weeds. "--Author Unknown

"An optimistic gardener is one who believes that whatever goes down must come up." --Leslie Hall

If we are the ones we have been waiting for, now is when we are here for. For all generations we have dreamed of this moment. A great and momentous change is afoot. Everything and everyone is now in place. Your perfect place is right here, right now. It is time to take the next step....

  For a long winter's night you have waited patiently in your seed shell, silently forming your designs for the new phase. You have considered, prayed, sketched out your ideas in your mind, and now you feel the warmth of your loving local daystar calling, inviting you to rise and grow into the new season. When water swells the seed, the shell breaks. Now, there is no going back. The mammoth oak tree curled within the acorn must now begin to construct itself, or die.

This part of the sacred tree meditation corresponding to this phase of growth, spring, is as follows:

Sit or stand holding your seed essence tightly, perhaps with your arms wrapped around you, or even forming a tight 'seed ball' on the floor. Or the ground. It's good to be outside if possible. Remember now your intention, and the plans that you have for this new beginning phase of the cycle, for it is time to SPROUT!

 Call forth your essence wisdom to align with your energy, your mind, your heart and decree with all of your heart and soul and mind and body that this is the moment that this new life shall commence now! Slowly begin to swell and expand, rising, taking deep breaths, imagining that you are growing. Know also that you are equipped with all of the instructions and DNA blueprints you need as you begin to build your vision.

Rise, and stand tall, with a great in breath imagining that the seed swells and the shell casing falls away. Stand as your hands come together in prayer pose at the heart. With one last nod to the seed vision in your heart, let the hands, which represent your first two leaves, come up and out from the heart to receive the sunshine of the divine light to bless your new start. Feel your toes extending tentatively down into the loving earth, pulling up nourishment and moisture. 

The divine alchemy of life is renewed. Stand proud, knowing that you are an harmonious being securely aligned with the highest good of all life everywhere forever!

Happiness held is the seed • Happiness shared is the flower. --Author Unknown

"To create a little flower is the labor of ages." --William Blake

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