Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Is All Property Theft?

"Consider the lilies of the field. They do not sow, neither do they reap. Yet who among you is arrayed in such splendor?"-Yashua

What is mine and not yours? Let's precious human body, (until I drop it then it's your problem). I claim the spot where I sit or stand at this moment, but only while I'm in it. The food already in my body, the air in my lungs, temporarily. Some clothes and shoes and stuff that fits my body...

I live in a house, my name is on a piece of paper; but although I make payments to a bank so I won't be kicked out of it, I do not consider it mine. I do like having some degree of control of what is in my house and how it is set up. 

But I cringe when I hear my friends refer to it as 'the property'. 

Why? Because once, people were free to roam all over the land, from coast to coast. There were no fences and walls. (On the other hand, there were no bridges, interstates, power grids, etc, either, so we've gained a lot of 'commons' as well as losing it.)

Since that time, individuals have simply taken control of the land by force and violence or implied threat of violence. That is illegitimate, plain and simple. No, I certainly do not live upon any property!

How about my music? I write songs, I write books, I create all sorts of art. At least these are mine alone, right? I'm not so sure...maybe one percent of each song. The rest is built upon, derived from, made out of, yes, the cultural commons.

My time, right!? Yes, that is mine, and mine alone, but without you, where would be any purpose or meaning?

(Deeper discussion on this:)

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