Monday, February 16, 2015

Shortbread that Grows on Trees

"Trees are the earth's endless efforts to speak to the listening heavens"- R. Tagore 

Coconut Pecan Shortbread with no flour:

Rawsome dehydrator, ultra rich, three tree, superfood cookies!

These cookies have only three ingredients. All three grow on trees.

I may have mentioned before trees are so good to have around. Trees are home to many creatures and things. They bring up minerals from the soil and so enrich and grow the topsoil. Trees improve the air and prevent erosion. They make shade, hold water, and turn solar love energy into food! Trees even make weather.

How to make bliss point coconut pecan shortbread cookies with no flour:


Pecans (soaked and re dehydrated for best results, but un soaked will work)

Shredded coconut

Maple syrup (or your choice of raw sweeteners; maple is a rare alkalizing sweetener)

Blend up into a semi smooth but not overly oily macaroon like consistency:

equal quantities of pecans and shredded coconut 

in food processor or blender, adding plenty of maple syrup to taste. 

Drop a spoonful into shredded coconut, coat small flat disk with it, add a whole pecan on top,

and dehydrate until cookies are firm, a day or so. 

That's it!

Everyone will love these ultra rich superfood cookies! They won't even be able to tell that these delectable, melt in your mouth bliss point shortbread cookies are raw, plant based, flour less, and good for you. You can serve them warm from the dehydrator.(More dehydrator cookies:)

"Why are there trees I never walk under without large and melodious thoughts descending upon me?"-Walt Whitman

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