Saturday, February 14, 2015

The Visionary art of Sara Deutsch

“The painter has the Universe in his mind and hands.” Leonardo da Vinci

Sara Deutsch is a visionary artist who focuses on creativity as a healing force and the computer as a mystic friend who lets her paint with light. 

It is wonderful to watch her 'paint with light.' She goes into a playful mode, flying through the pixels at breakneck speed, trying one thing after another, turning things upside down and inside out, finally seeing what she likes, and choosing it. Here are a few of these paintings, and here is the link to view hundreds more!

Sara’s journey led her into many worlds. She trekked alone in the Himalayas, and lived in virgin jungles of Hawaiian Islands, eating only fruit and wild vegetables. If you google her, you can listen to podcasts of interviews with her about her fascinating adventures.

She draws from doctoral study in psychobiology and East/West psychology, and lived for years in a contemplative order.

An addition to her prolific creation of stunning digital paintings, Sara Deutsch, is an iAuthor, a creative arts therapist, and multimedia therapist. 

She is presently working on creative collaboration, for which she has coined the term 'collaboralchemy'.

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