Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Giving Presence

"Only if we give it away, can love be love"- Ziggy Marley 

Gifts can be of two types, the spiritual and the material. If you give a material gift, it is gone and you do not have it any more. Of course, you may have good karma coming to you in return, but that particular thing is gone. But when you give a spiritual gift, it has multiplied. You have given a gift, and you still have it! And when you receive a spiritual gift, you can regift it, and still have it.

What can you give? Your smile. Words of encouragement. 

A listening ear. Your undivided attention. Your most powerful and important ability is choosing where to cast the light of you attention. To whom or what will you pay it?

Your knowledge and experience shared. Passing on a skill, an insight, a story. A hug. A song. This blog; please pass it on. I can post my art work, and a million people can see it online.

And your love is surely the greatest gift of all, especially when tolerance and forgiveness must first be found. You can give a comforting peaceful and loving presence-if you have one! Otherwise, cultivating such can be the best gift to give not only everyone else, but also oneself.

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