Friday, February 27, 2015

Invididuation and Reunion

Where there is great love there are always miracles. ~ Willa Cather

In some ways the humans from earth are reaching the limits of our separateness experiment. The separation model has given us room to grow. We got free from the village where everyone knew you, and to the big cities where nobody knows you and  you could make up who and whatever you wanted to be. 

Any single person could make it all alone, take care of themselves, be free from oppressive demands of their particular culture or family of origin. The illusion of supreme separateness could be maintained as long as one ignored one's complete dependence on the city itself and so all those other people.

We are just starting our self actualization process. It's like a spring bloom, a beautiful flowering of billions of people now, all coming up together and looking around.  And each one is unique! We are becoming ever more individuated, and in many ways more and more different. 

Yet even in this moment when the arc of the swing to separation thinking is at its fullest, there is a reunion of sorts on the horizon. For even as we grow to ever greater heights of individual expression and achievement, the view from those lofty perches reveals to us the commonality of all life, and the inter connectedness of all beings.

So when we seek to explore and push the limits, we merely do so on an ever changing and expanding scale, into new realms of learning, experience, and love. We connect back to report our new discoveries, linking us up together in ever more elegant and beautiful ways.

We need not fear being re subsumed by petty small town societal pressure to conform. Butterfly beings are emerging from dark quiet hidden places all over the world and fluttering out into the sunshine, where they are being met with delight as the first planet wide culture begins to form on the armature of the interweb.(toward a More Beautiful World:)

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