Wednesday, February 18, 2015

It's a Maha Lila!

"All my life, I realize, I wanted to be someone. Now, I realize, I should have been more specific."-Jane Wagner

Relax...step back to get some perspective... How important will all of this seem in five months, five years, in fifty years? Daydream...This whole life is just a dream of sorts. What is your dream? Take a break from the routine, find a spot to sit comfortably, take some relaxing breaths, and just imagine how you would like things to be. 

What does it look, sound, feel and smell like? Daydream...This whole life is just a dream of sorts. How would you like to be, what would you like to do, have? Maybe you can make a list.

Remember this is just a play, known by the Hindus as the Maha Lila, the Great Play. As a character in it, notice that it is more important how you play your role than what the props and scenery happen to be at the moment. How much love is in this scene? As the playwright and director that you also are to some extent, feel the empowerment you have to interpret the drama of your life and your story.

Instead of running as fast as you can, sometimes the most efficient way to accomplish your wish is to pause or slow down to receive wisdom, gather stregnth, and focus. Remember you are a human being, not human doing!

"Slow down, you'll get there faster

Patience makes the vision vaster

It takes time to be a master

When you tune into the flow

You'll find the place you need to go"


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