Sunday, February 8, 2015

Stop Working!

Most work today is boring, irrelevant, stupid, corrupt, underpaid, if not outright dangerous, toxic, exploitative, and destructive. Setting aside the fraction of jobs that are needed, good and helpful for the moment, we would all be better off if most people just stayed home from work today. Think of the unburned gasoline alone.

If you are not happy in your job, don't go to work. You have more freedom than you realize, but you will not believe this unless you take it. Freedom cannot be given. If you want your freedom, you must take it. Paradoxically, the way to take one's freedom is by taking response-ability. One responds to the needs, the passion to be part of, the impulse to help, the ethics, and the intuitive.

So now that you are home for the day, make a list of all the things you love to do for others, and try out some. Perhaps you can find the freedom and courage to do it more. Big things can grow from small, beautiful seed ideas. Just take the first step.

One by one, we are changing our work and making it play. We can afford to be playful. In fact, it is one of the most important jobs I can think of. It is high time for humanity to relax, back off, and chill out. A guaranteed basic income can easily be afforded in this rich economy for the world's poor if we only desire to make it so.

So explore. Never before in history have so many had so much freedom of choice. Our freedom of choice is for most of us, far greater than our freedom of mind to appreciate and use it. What would you do if you could do anything?

We all need for you to be the most authentic you possible, because you are the only person on Earth who can be you.

“Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is nobody else who is you-er than you.” ~Dr. Seuss

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