Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Goodness, Solidarity, and Sunshine

"Except you become as little children, ye shall in no way enter into the kindom of heaven" Yashua 

As a young child I was certainly aware that I needed others. Then I went through the stage of thinking I was an island unto myself, independent and self contained, completely separate from all others and the world out there.

We as a planetary culture have reached the pinnacle of separateness. Before now, humans lived in small groups in which everyone knew each other. Then came mass society, interstate highways, global air travel, and the ability to leave the place where everyone knows you, and it was possible for a brief historical moment to disappear, start over, and be anonymous. 

Now, with mass connectivity, the window is closing on the era of personal privacy. Not just your every move can be monitored, even your thoughts and emotions can be read now, not just by enlightened psychics, but programmed sorting machines. (This is to protect the hive, don't you know!)

The only escape is a forward escape, to quote Terrence McKenna. We must embrace the fact that everyone knows everything, or soon will, or eventually will. And we must realize we need each other now as never before. Even as a privileged young white male I am not an island. As a billionaire I can buy an island or a small country, but I'm still an integral thread in the matrix of it all. I sure do need help!

You are not without help, right now, even if you feel helpless, hopeless, and alone. It is just a passing stage. Helpers are standing by, right now, waiting for your call. Angels of all sorts are all around you, respecting your separateness constructs as long as you wish to cling to them. An army of indigos, millennials, wise elders, bodhisattvas, intergalactic volunteers, and assorted old souls stand at the ready. You always have GUIDANCE. Available to you here and now.

The only refuge left is our goodness, solidarity, and the sunshine of our attention. Starting with the realization that we always were interdependent. "So you're ok with being co-dependent?" asked my mother wryly when she moved in with me after a health crisis. But it's true. 

(above drawing by Cat Carney)

We emerge from mother's embrace into the arms of one another and the Cosmic Blue Egg. It's time to hold hands with everyone now in a big psychic circle, and hold the spirit of love like a big hug around this world.

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