Saturday, February 28, 2015

More Pond Tales


The little fox, after nearly completing the crossing, gets his tail in the water!"- I Ching

The adventures of the pond continue. I don't want to add fish or anything, just want to see what comes. Who has arrived? So far, in order of their appearance since last summer when we put the liner in it: dragonflies, water bugs, bees, wasps, chickadees, stellar jays, juncos, robins, deer, pets, a pair of ravens, lots more birds, tree frogs, and a great blue heron.

(above, rain on the pond)

And now a new first, creatures of size actually going into the water! A pair of mallards drop in from the sky. Ducks! I am so excited. They are the first big creatures I have until now seen, cavorting about in the water.

 All morning they swim around, diving and looking around, as if they were considering the real estate. It is so glorious to see them actually swimming around enjoying the pond. It occurs to me that they would like a bit of sheltering plants here and there, which will take time. 

Actually they are the third large creatures to be in or on the pond. When the pond froze hard, I ventured out, stepping carefully, walking on water. It was solid in the middle too, what fun, so I continued across with confidence. 

I was considering skates and sleds when, crack! And splash! Baptized in the ice water! I forgot about the place at the end of the pond where fresh runoff water is pouring in and keeping the ice thin. 

The next day a neighborhood cat decides to try her luck. Curiosity gets the better of her and she just has to try it. She creeps up the edge and puts out a tentative paw. Then another. She brazenly strides across, gets to the big hole where I fell in, and backs up. She circles, climbs onto land and goes around, dips a paw, and checks the spot. Yep. Wet. Smart kitty.

(above, Granny relaxes on the beach)


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