Thursday, April 16, 2015

Your True Colors Are Beautiful

You are so beautiful and strong

You are worthy and you belong

 You are acceptable and fully loved

You are of the earth and the sky above..."

Do you keep your feelings and opinions to yourself to avoid a conflict? Do you feel ashamed of yourself because you feel deep down you are just not quite acceptable, just not lovable, you are undeserving? If so, you are in a big club.

It is hard to want to look at all that funky stuff we keep hidden and out of sight, out of mind. Even harder to imagine there is buried treasure there. But it is that dirt under the ground that nourishes the beautiful flowers that arise from it. Don't worry, if you delve deep into the dirt, you will pop back up again, pure, clean, and radiant.

What is making me feel bad right now? What thoughts, beliefs, assumptions about how things just are out there, am I using to cover up this feeling of badness? Could it be food for my flowers? Be brave! Look under the rug! Accept there is dirt, but it is not who you are. Is it not the friction that polishes the gemstone?

Go ahead and be who you are! Our dearest friends are a mystery, each person is like almost a universe unto itself, each person has an irreplaceable and unique revelation of the divine. But to find it we must accept our starting place in the present moment, embrace the dirt, learn and grow from it, and raise it up into the light of our awareness. Then we will share in the beauty of each other's flowers standing in the sunlight. Then we will see your true colors! You are so loved.

"...Let your heart encompass the whole world

Let your soul become as big as the universe

But your feet are on the ground,

so pick one up and

Take the next step" -Sunheart 

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