Sunday, April 12, 2015

Egg Wisdom

The egg is another basic form in the universe, (like the spiral, which I already wrote about.) Each of us start out our bodies as an egg. We have layers of vibration around us as well, composed of our feeling-thought constructions and debris. We call this our aura.

Individuals, nations and cultures also have what we call a sphere of influence. Look around for this fundamental form in your world.The Earth is a kind of egg, within an egg. Our atmosphere is one layer, and there are protective magnetic layers around that, which is why we do not fry from the Sun's radiation. The sun also has an egg like aura that envelops the solar system. In ancient Sanskrit texts the universe itself is called a cosmic egg.

Eggs can be a very good veganish food, as nobody dies to get one, (technically speaking, if it's unfertilized). Especially if you feed your chickens flax and stuff like that, you can even get those fatty acids that are so important for good health, which people eat fish to get otherwise. If you have chickens, you can avoid hatching an overpopulation of roosters by incubating only the female eggs, which are round, not oblong.

The egg form is a stage of development. It is a safe protective place of nurturance. Until it isn't anymore! Then we feel confined and cramped. We know then it is time to break out into a larger reality. As we evolve and grow, we break out of successive layers of the egg shields we are in. 

Egg wisdom is the art of paying attention to when it is the time for waiting for fullness, and when it is time to hatch! Are you ready to come out of your shell? (More egg-spressions:)

"It may be hard for an egg to turn into a bird: it would be a jolly sight harder for it to learn to fly while remaining an egg. We are like eggs at present. And you can not go on indefinitely being just an ordinary, decent egg. You must be hatched, or go bad."-C. S. Lewis 

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