Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Numbness and Pain

After great pain, a formal feeling comes,

The nerves sit ceremonious, like tombs – Emily Dickenson

“Numb the dark and you numb the light.” ― Brené Brown

"Numbing the pain for a while will make it worse when you finally feel it"-Albus Dumbledore

I do not have any special tolerance for pain, pretty normal there. But I really do not like to be numb! So I have had a few minor procedures without pain numbing drugs. Things like mole removal, dental things, and for example, ingrown toenail surgery. 

Cut your toenails flat across, not curved, and don't fuss with them! That's a once of prevention, so you won't have to go through what I did! Otherwise, you could get a little spur of toenail that sets out on its own, poking a hole in your toe as it grows.

For the procedure, I brought along my daughter, who was only six. But she has Reiki. She held my hand and gave me Reiki the whole time. That, along with eating an aspirin ahead of time, is all I used.

The foot doctor dug around, it hurt a lot, and finally announced it was done. I extended my foot, and because I could feel my own nerves, was able to tell her that, no, actually the ingrown toenail was still there. 

She fixed it where I showed her, then we were really done. Cured. Had I been numb, I would not have known I still had the ingrown toenail, I'd have gone home festering, and my agony been prolonged.

Because of the endogenous medicine my body made responding to the pain, and an easy landing with the aspirin, there was no further pain. What I have discovered every time I have gone without numbing agents is that as soon as it is over, there is no post op pain. At all.

I do use numbing agents when it really makes sense for me to, and I am so grateful they exist. But in our absolute fear of ever having any little pain, we have gone overboard. When the real thing comes along, as inevitably it does, we have no practice. Pain can be an ally to steer us to the site of the problem. This can prevent much more suffering further along.

(Be sure to click this link and listen to the song: Ingrown nail on the Oregon trail:)

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