Friday, April 10, 2015

Globalizing Freedom

"Knowledge makes a man unfit to be a slave.” 

― Frederick Douglass

People all over the world want the same basic things: love, food and shelter, a good life for their children, acceptance by their community, a chance to contribute, a chance to express themselves. And the planet, last time I checked, is not divided up by little dotted lines. Except on our maps, that is. For millennia, we have evolved in little tribal groups, differentiating ourselves from each other by devising languages incomprehensible to outsiders.

Now in this age of Earth filling population, we must come back together, or demolish one another over differences due to misunderstanding and fear. One metaphor is that we are all on a ship together, Spaceship Earth, and we must all be crew and work together, lest we all sink together. 

The language of imagery is a way to unite people. The act of receiving information visually, as with images and sound, music even, is a more whole brain activity, compared to reading symbols in a book. 

Consider the image of the whole Earth from space, and how this conveys an an instant understanding of our one planet together. Image and music are universal languages!

We are called upon by this phase of humanity's development, to now make a leap from identifying with only a particular group or tribe, to also feel part of all humanity, and indeed, all life. It is time to globalize not just money, which already has made this leap, but also concepts of the rights of all as well. 

I mean not only human rights, but supporting rights and freedom for women, children, worker rights, animal rights, protecting species and ecosystems.  

We are moving in this direction, as people everywhere, thanks to the information explosion, find support for their assertions of freedom.

The backlash is well underway, and that is a sign that change is really happening. First they ignore you, as the activists will tell you. Then they make fun of you. When that doesn't work, they openly attack you. (This is the phase we are in now....)Then you win! Cool.

“Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.” 

― United Nations, Universal Declaration of Human Rights

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