Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Healing and the Crystal Web

"Don't you know yet? It is your light that lights the worlds."-Rumi

I received a deep healing yesterday. The pain was radiating down my right arm from my back, making it hard to do most things. It was a long standing problem. I knew why it hurt. I knew what I had to do. It was connected to deep coping patterns from incidents in the past, and I will not go into any more detail, except to say that I needed help. 

My partner laid hands on me for about an hour, while I did the deep work of releasing. We are both Reiki masters, but you do not need the third degree in Reiki to do it. A mere afternoon of attunement and orientation is all you need  to be able to do this most holy and merciful practice. Even though I have it myself, when I am in pain, I often want a sort of midwife with me to help me release.

The simple touch of another person in tenderness and love is nothing short of a holy sacrament, if one is hurting. If you add to this, conscious alignment with Source, a miracle may result! This is what I experienced in a small way yesterday as I released the pain and felt a huge cloud from the past lift as well. I have had not a twinge of pain since that hour.

Everyone can do this. All you need to do is find a Reiki master who will give you an attunement to it. It is a direct transference process involving no learning. It is simply given, and a bit of instruction on ways to use it is usually added. Like lighting a candle, it matters not at all the shape, size, or color of your candle. If the teacher's candle is lighted yours can be lit from it. It is as simple as that.

My lineage, the Crystal Web, functions on a pay it forward basis. I offer attunements and classes as a public service, allowing students to balance the karma by giving healing to others, who then must pay it forward and so on, the plan being a sort of healing pyramid scheme culminating in everyone having this healing gift. After that, I expect people will just be born with it, as some already are.

"Some days you will be the light for others. Some days, you will need some light from them. As long as there is light, there is hope, and there is a way." -Jennifer Gayle

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