Saturday, April 18, 2015

On Earth, as it is in Heaven


"Argue for your limitations, and sure enough, they're yours."- unknown

This psychologist, Michael Newton, has been hypnotizing people who come to him with various stuck places, for now over 40 years. Sometimes he senses their complaints originate before their present lifetime, so he regresses them back to before that, to past lives, or in between lives. What he has found, and written several books about,  is so remarkably consistent, that he has been able to some extent, to 'map heaven'. 

The picture that emerges is one of a great school of life, in which we are never alone, never without sponsors, 'guardian angels', cohorts, guidance, and yes, soul mates. The in between life state is portrayed as a time out to rest, rejuvenate, plan, and even learn and play. What really struck me in all of the accounts was the utter absence of judgement, blame, shame, punishment, or any aversive vibe. 

There is always this complete acceptance, unconditional love, tenderness, support, and truly eternal friendships that go on, life after life, even when awful things happen to or are done by people. Beings dance with each other in new disguises but old relationships, permitting a variety of experiences for learning and growth. There is a sense of perfect equality even while there is endless diversity as to where or what stage of maturity on their individual path a being might be. 

Earth is considered a very challenging planet. Anyone who chooses an Earth life is picking a potentially extremely rich learning environment precisely because it is so tough here. It's an accelerated course! The take away is everyone you ever meet has great courage and some degree of mastery, else they would not be here. 

So each one you meet deserves immense respect. Michael Newton's work also gave me a new appreciation of that part of the Lord's Prayer about "on Earth as it is in Heaven" because heaven is apparently a pretty darn tolerant, liberal, loving, accepting, nonjudgmental place, always offering whatever level of whatever you need, tailored to where you are in your development.

As for me, I feel I am at the top of the world and the bottom of heaven. The top of the world, because here we are in precious human form, the dominant planetary species; aware, connected, and activated. The bottom of heaven, because on earth, we only at our best moments act the way we are treated in heaven. It is comforting to also come away from the books with some assurance that on some level there are grownups in charge.

“Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is nobody else who is you-er than you.” ~Dr. Seuss

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