Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Unitics To Replace Politics

“The state of interbeing is a vulnerable state. It is the vulnerability of the naive altruist, of the trusting lover, of the unguarded sharer. To enter it, one must leave behind the seeming shelter of a control-based life, protected by walls of cynicism, judgment, and blame.”

― Charles Eisenstein, The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know Is Possible

Unitics is the politics of oneness. In politics, different interests contend for power.  But when you know that we are all in this together, it is possible to rise above your personal point of view to find solutions that help everyone involved to get their needs met.  This is unitics.

As long as you believe that your every gain must be someone else's loss, you will be stuck in game that requires conflict and aggression.  Separation is reinforced in this win-lose style game. You are forced to cause suffering to others, and thus, you must live in the constant mode of looking over your shoulder in fear that those others that you hurt will come back after you! 

You can choose another way.  A much more fun game is one in which everyone can win.  There is always this option, but you may have to shift your perspective to see what it is. Often we frame a decision as either or, between two unattractive options. Is there a third way? There is always a third way. Duality is a two dimensional realm, move to the next level.

Another stuck thought out of sync with unitics  is the idea that there is not enough, so, it is presumed, of course we are inherently in conflict. This assertion is just not factual. There is a scarcity of patience, and surely a need for more love. 

But the only thing keeping the basic physical needs of all from being met now in this abundant world is obsolete assumptions and fearful beliefs leading to stupid decisions. These are easy to change. When the light of dawn comes, the monster in the bedroom turns out to be a heap of clothes in the chair.

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