Tuesday, May 19, 2015

You Are OK Now

As a child, I remember worrying, for years, about the next 'shot', or vaccination in the usual series, to be administered by needle poke. I knew I had that 'booster shot' scheduled in another two or three years, and I dreaded it! All this about just one little moment of pain, compared to years of mental cringing!

Most of the time, even when I'm right in the middle of a great crisis, I'm usually ok too. It is my thinking, the way I frame the situation and turn it over in my mind, that causes most of the suffering anyway. 

You know this, right? Sometimes we can get ourselves jammed into these tight corners and dilemmas and feel trapped, but it is never the case! Have you not made it so far? Every time you had a crisis, you found the strength to get through it. And also, you were never without help, even if you did not realize it at the time.

You have been escorted, incubated, nurtured, carried, and cared for since your dimmest darkest deepest beginning. You are never alone, but you may have solitude if you wish, for however long you like. But you are always lovingly held in the extended arms of an ultimately friendly personal bubble of teachers and guides and spiritual friends. 

Now that you remember this, you can relax, lighten up, and realize you don't need to cling so hard to particular forms of nurturance and security because it is safe here. With this awareness, it is easy to be kind, generous, tolerant, and compassionate.

I cannot begin to express the expansiveness of this vision. Standing where you are now, and going out as far as the inner eye can see, and into an eternity of time, you are a free being with choices. The immensity of the playground that is our shared reality is beyond description.

"The Divine never says that suffering is necessary- this idea is created by human beings. The Divine asks us to be happy, harmonious, and peaceful." -Mother Meera

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