Sunday, May 24, 2015

Nature Healing

(Field notes on the simple beauty of precious nature healing-

The Flower Child's Garden Planet:)

“Flies travel like they’re named. Humans should be called Walks.” ― Jarod Kintz

Today neither Granny nor I feel well. She is cold at room temperature, and I'm not even close to ready for the usual morning hike. So of course, the solution is to bundle up and head outside, where it's even colder than in the house. The idea is to get the circulation going. 

She has never lived here before, so she does not know the flowers of the spring growing here. Being out in the effusive complexity of nature soothes us. Being out in fresh air revives us. Being grounded, literally, feeds us Earth energy. We are immersed in healing nature energy.

We see hummingbirds and bright crimson headed woodpeckers. Two grosbeaks, in tight orbit streak by, flashing red and black and white. A bit of sky swoops down, the handsomely appointed stellar jay. Swallows spiral around above us. I hear a sound I only recently identified, thanks to watching a utube, the bark, which sounds more like a scream, of our local fox, in the woods above the road.

We visit all the different wildflower areas we can find, a surprising lot of them! I take pictures of the different flowers blooming in each area...

We have to choose how much of this little forest edge meadow to cut, and how much to leave, each year, being sure to not create fire hazard, balancing the wildflower cycle. Some kinds of plants benefit, others suffer, so we change it around and rotate from year to year. Each year, we are finding more and more flowers.

 Soon we are all feeling much better, the sun melts the cool fog away.

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