Monday, May 18, 2015


“Don't be satisfied with stories, how things have gone with others. Unfold your own myth.” - Rumi

I am very selfish. I want everyone to be happy. I want things to work out, for everyone in the world to be successful.  If everyone is happy, they will be nice to me! So I want everyone to be whatever their most cherished wish is to be, and I want each person, indeed each being, to have what they need. And I wish all beings can have a chance to do what their heart desires. And it feels really good to me, to help that happen for you.

Why would I wish otherwise? Would my toe want the rest of my body to do badly? Indeed, without the rest, the toe would be worse than useless. It would be dead. We trouble ourselves endlessly fussing about our individual selves. 

If we focus too much on our personal reality, we feel isolated, lonely, even hostile. But if we think only of the group, the herd mentality, we are in danger of having our drive to fit in override our own inner guidance. This leads to mindless conformity, losing our own way, not even knowing how to think for oneself. 

I have a friend who fasted for forty days at the culmination of a course of spiritual study. He reached a point where he gave up and transcended everything. Except one thing, his individuality. Then he decided to give that up too. He later said it was like walking through a metaphorical 'wall of fire'. But a surprise was waiting for him on the other side. That is something you get to keep, he was told. It is a gift.

You are you. No one else can do this being you thing, but you. No one in the whole universe. You are a gift to the world. So now you can relax, and know that with loving intention, you can find your true path and be an integral part of the all and everyone.

"Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of God."- A Course in Miracles

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